Wednesday, March 05, 2014


Dang...from 2005 that was my first and last blog post for almost what.........9 years? Glad they kept this going for awhile? Ahm so yeah...a loooot has happened since that last post but I'm not gonna make this a personal journal blog or anything. I'm gonna keep that jazz outta here and put it up somewhere else. Anyways. I'm making this my projects blog. At least for programming right now. Maybe music or art or something. But right now i'll be focusing on programming mostly. And im gonna focus in on C# for being able to program on the Vita and XNA i guess? But it's very close to java apparently so i can probably cross some stuff on over to android without too much of a problem...

I should probably lay out some goals of some sort as well huh?

My main focus and goal at the moment is to become a better programmer and actually know how to flesh out a program idea i have in my head, lay it out on paper, flesh out flow chart of how i want it to run and try to code it. I will probably look back at this post and say "Oh this mofuggah is so stupid and has no idea what he's getting himself into." So yes....i think im gonna start doing my reading off of this here The Yellow book

And for my compliler shall be hummm...

The classic visual studio express 2013

I t would be great to have these links just in case if i forget and lose them. In case of a hard drive crash. And why the hell not sign up for a github...

And as i start installing all of this i might as well knock off a few pages of this book.



Unknown said...

Hi Hunni! I'm glad that you've decided to log your progress on here. I'm proud of you & I'll be cheering you on every step of the way. <3 (^_^) ~Ty

Unknown said...

Thanks Hun!!! I'll do my best to keep at it. if you see me slacking please don't hold back on harping on me about it >_o