Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Back into Java!

Soooo it has been quite awhile since i last updated this. I hit a bit of a rough road and well i had actually was supposed to be practicing java instead of C# like i had originally been doing.

I'm not sure why but i was definitely having a lot more fun with C# than i was with Java. Java despite doing pretty well in it in the beginning...it just seems so...not fully functional i guess? It's the curly braces that get me! i love visual studios way of doing it where as soon as you type { it auto-completes it with } where as in eclipse when you type the { it stays...nothing happens until you press enter! C'mon give an option with that!!!

Anyways! I did two programs for java!!! The first one is the classic 99 bottles song and there was an intentionally left out a part to the program to make it fully functional. So a while statement around the actual beerNum = beerNum - 1; before it would do 99 minus 1 and stop at 98.

So i added while (beerNum > 0) which concluded the program and i felt great for actually solving that. Thanks Head First ;).


Secondly is a random buzzword generator that uses an array of words that i've added and uses a random number generator by grabbing the length of the array. Since it grabs the length of the array it has the numbers and it can dump it into random number generator pool. Thanks  to .length


So far...i'm getting back into the groove of programming ^_^


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