Thursday, March 06, 2014


Okay  i snuck in one more shot at the github publish through bash and got it to work correctly this time!


I just had to let gitbash KNOW it's there as it's tacked as untracked. 'git add' my solution and director, do the git commit -m "add glazercalc.sln" but can't do that with the directory as it's done automatically when you push....

Add the remote origin of my git and do the git why in the hell didn't the github do this...? So it only done through the bash i guess??? Hm...well these two spots helped guide me through this.

I hope no one will go "AUGHHH, if you're doing it why are you typing this out for?!?!?"

Honestly its kinda helping me remember. But now i have a feeling theres those who would be thinking "I wasn't thinking that!!!" And for that i apologize. You have permission to throw my cake on the ground on my birthday.

I should also just jot down notes too maybe...and also probably TAG THESE POSTS MAYBE?!?! Mrgrgr...ah well bed time for me.


P.S. I'm not sure who else would even be reading this right now so who the hell am i even talking to?!

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